The Helicopter Accident: Information to the public about components found in the area

A Super Puma helicopter enroute for Bergen, crashed on Store Skitholmen near Turøy in Hordaland 29 April 2016. The Accident Investigation Board of Norway (AIBN) like to inform the public about the following:

Any components found, that can be traced to the helicopter accident, should immediately be rinsed with fresh water and applied a conserving oil. Contact the Police, phone: 02800. Findings may be submitted to Sotra and Øygarden police, phone: 56 31 58 00, or to Bergen police, phone: 55 55 63 00.

If a discovery is made of wreckage components that partly or completely match with pictures attached, please take direct contact with AIBN, Aviation department, at 24 h. telephone for notification: 63 89 63 20.


Suspension bar.

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2. stage reduction gear.


2. stage planet gear.

Photos: AIBN

Information on the current investigation.