Investigation of collisions between a heavy goods vehicle and a passenger train on an unsecured level crossing at the Kongsvingerbanen

On Wednesday 22 January 2025, train 1020 from Vygruppen AS collided with a heavy goods vehicle at the Pran level crossing at the Kongsvingerbanen. The truck driver was killed in the accident, and a passenger on the train was slightly injured.

Pran level crossing is unsecured and is located in an agricultural area. The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority has since 2022 investigated two similar accidents in the same area. On the stretch around Disenå station, there are a number of unsecured level crossings.

The investigation will clarify the sequence of events and point to possible causal relationships. Any underlying circumstances that may have contributed to the incident will be clarified and analysed.

The purpose of the survey is to contribute with learning that can be used in the work to improve safety.

Toget etter kollisjonen
The train after the collision. Photo: NSIA

The level crossing. Photo: NSIA

Latest update: 27.01.2025



Location Pran level crossing
Occurrence date 22.01.2025
Train No 1020
Type of Transportation Passenger train
Type of occurrence Level-crossing accident
Rolling Stock Multippel Unit (MU)
Operator Vy AS

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