Report on ropeway accident in Kjerringåsen alpine centre, Sarpsborg on 12 January 2024

ROP report 2025/01

On 12 January 2024, an 18-year-old employee perished while performing maintenance work on the bullwheel at the top station of the "Hovedheisen" ropeway at Kjerringåsen Alpine Centre. Despite the fact that the 18-year-old had pulled the safety cord at the top of the lift to ensure that it could not be started, the lift still started moving when a minor employee was asked to start it from the bottom station. This led to the employee being trapped and dying. According to the Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority's investigation, the cause of the accident was that sufficient systems and routines had not been established to manage the dangerous task that was to be carried out.

Contributing factors included:

  • The ropeway controls were accessible to others than he who were authorized and planned operator that day.
  • Roles and responsibilities in the organization were unclear, which created a vulnerable situation, particularly for safeguarding young employees.
  • Sufficient training of employees had not been carried out or documented.
  • The alpine centre did not have an adapted, implemented and updated safety management system.
  • The alpine centre had not carried out necessary risk assessments.
  • Awareness of responsibility between management and the board was inadequate.

The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority's (NSIA) investigation has shown that the safety management in the Alpine Centre did not meet the requirements set out in the legislation.

Several ropeway operating companies are facing the same operating model and framework conditions

A larger number of ropeway operating companies in Norway are under the same operating model and framework conditions as the Kjerringåsen Alpine Centre. The ropeway industry also has a large proportion of seasonal workers, young employees and volunteers.

When hazards are not systematically identified and controlled, it leaves employees in a situation where they do not have sufficient overview of the risks they are exposed to in order to decide on correct safety measures. Young employees and those with limited experience are particularly at risk

Repeated deviations uncovered, but operating permit maintained

The Norwegian Railway Authority, which follows up on the regulations that form the basis for the operating permit for the ropeway had several inspections at the alpine center where repeated deviations in the safety management were uncovered. The operating permit was nevertheless maintained.

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority follows up on matters related to employees at the facility. In an inspection after the accident, they concluded that there was no systematic management of health and safety issues at Kjerringåsen Alpine Center.

There is currently no agreement between the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority and the Norwegian Railway Authority on how supervision of ropeway operations is coordinated or carried out. The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority assumes that the Norwegian Railway Authority takes the initiative towards other authorities when, through their work, they see challenges that may be relevant to follow up on.

NSIA would like to highlight four learning points for the ropeway industry:

  • Managers in ropeway operating companies must ensure that the company has established safety management systems and that they comply to the regulations that apply to ensure safe operation of the ropeway.
  • In a well-adapted safety management system, the management and board sets guidelines for how they expect work to be carried out in the facility.
  • It is important to identify and map hazards that may arise in the facility so that training and safety for employees, volunteers and guests are ensured.
  • It must be ensured that the ropeway under any circumstances cannot move while maintenance work is being carried out.

Kjerringåsen alpine centre.
Kjerringåsen alpine centre. Photo: NSIA

Published 06.03.2025

Safety recommendation

Safety recommandation Tau no. 2025/01T

On 12 January 2024, an employee of Kjerringåsen Alpinsenter AS perished while he performed maintenance work on the “Hovedheisen's” bullwheel at the top station.

During the work, the ropeway was started from the bottom station, despite the safety circuit at the top station being opened. The possibility of being able to start the ropeway with the safety circuit open, was unknown to the ropeway operating company.

The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that the Norwegian Railway Authority ask Kjerringåsen Alpinsenter AS to establish routines for the safe implementation of maintenance on all ropeways in the facility, to avoid the risk of a ropeway being started unintentionally.

Safety recommendation Tau no. 2025/02T

On 12 January 2024, an employee of Kjerringåsen Alpinsenter AS perished while he performed maintenance work on the “Hovedheisen's” bullwheel at the top station.

The work involved a health and safety risk, but the ropeway operating company had not controlled who had correct training and permission to perform various tasks in the facility. A safety management system should contribute to this, but must be adapted to the activities of the individual ropeway company to be efficient.

The Norwegian Accident Investigation Authority recommends that the Norwegian Railway Authority supervise that Kjerringåsen Alpinsenter AS’ new safety management system is adapted to the company and contributes in an appropriate way to safe operation.


Location Kjerringåsen alpine centre
Occurrence date 12.01.2024
Type of occurrence Cable car accident
Cable car type Ski lift
Cable car name Hovedbakken