Report on accident with a waste collection vehicle in Spars vei, Nøtterøy, Færder municipality, 23 November 2020
Road traffic report 2022/01
On 23 November 2020 a pedestrian was hit by a waste collection vehicle from Norsk Gjenvinning Renovasjon AS (NGR) on Nøtterøy. The vehicle had driven around 70 metres along a narrow private road without a turning circle to collect waste and was in the process of reversing back to the main road. The pedestrian died instantly as a result of the accident. The investigation has found that NGR, Vesar og Færder municipality follow up on how traffic safety was maintained in connection with waste collection, was insufficient.The investigation also provides safety learning for waste disposal activities in municipalities across the country.
The reversing took place without a driver’s mate, but with the help of a reversing camera and mirrors. However, the reversing camera was adjusted so that visibility in the longitudinal direction behind the vehicle was reduced. Shrubs along the side of the road also restricted the driver’s overview of the situation. This contributed to the driver not noticing the pedestrian behind the vehicle until after the accident was a fact.
The investigation has shown that the waste collectors had an unclear understanding of the waste collection company’s safety procedures in connection with reversing and that they had received little training in the procedures. NGR’s procedures were only available in Norwegian, although many of the waste collectors had little command of the Norwegian language.
NGR had not performed a safety mapping of the roads in the contract area, and measures had not been implemented on the basis of risk assessments. An overview of and reports regarding the placement of containers and the road standard were also lacking, which led to extensive reversing in the contract area. A survey entitled ‘the 15 worst roads on your route’ that was carried out after the accident showed that the waste collectors often encountered such difficulties, but that the issue had not been reported in the non-conformity system or identified in safety rounds.
Based on the investigation, the NSIA is of the opinion that the waste collection company’s safety management was inadequate. The contract between NGR and Vestfold Avfall og Ressurs AS (Vesar) as the client, lacked clear descriptions of how aspects of traffic safety were to be improved during the contract period in partnership between the contractual partners and the municipality. Færder municipality had also done little to follow up how traffic safety was maintained in connection with waste collection in the municipality through the placement of waste containers and road conditions.
The NSIA submits five safety recommendations as a result of this investigation.
Published 18.02.2022
Safety recommendation
Safety recommendation ROAD no 2022/01T
The reversing accident on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality on 23 November 2020 occurred when the driver of the waste collection vehicle reversed the vehicle without using a driver’s mate after collecting waste. The waste container was placed approx. 70 metres down a narrow road without a turning circle. The waste collection company had not performed a safety mapping of the placement of containers or the road standard on the different sections of road included in the contract area.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that Norsk Gjenvinning Renovasjon AS (NGR) establish procedures for safety mapping of the placement of containers and the road standard for stretches of road included in the company’s contract areas.
Safety recommendation ROAD no 2022/02T
The reversing accident on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality on 23 November 2020 occurred when the driver of the waste collection vehicle reversed the vehicle without using a driver’s mate after collecting waste. The driver used a mirror and reversing camera, but the position of the camera meant that visibility in the longitudinal direction behind the vehicle was reduced. The investigation has shown that the waste collectors had an unclear understanding of the waste collection company’s safety procedures in connection with reversing, and that they had received little training in the procedures. The procedures were only available in Norwegian, although many of the waste collectors had little command of the Norwegian language.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that Norsk Gjenvinning Renovasjon AS (NGR) improve the traffic safety training provided to its waste collectors and ensure that the company’s drivers are well familiar with the equipment and any visibility restrictions when reversing.
Safety recommendation ROAD no 2022/03T
The reversing accident on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality on 23 November 2020 occurred when the driver of the waste collection vehicle reversed the vehicle without using a driver’s mate. The waste collection company’s safety management was inadequate. Among other things, the training and follow-up of waste collectors was inadequate, no safety mapping had been performed of the roads in the contract area, and measures had not been implemented on the basis of risk assessments. The contract between the waste collection company and the inter-municipal company lacked clear descriptions of how aspects of traffic safety were to be improved during the contract period in partnership between the contractual partners and the municipality.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that Vestfold Avfall og Ressurs AS (Vesar) establish procedures under the contract that ensure that the waste collection company carries out risk assessments, provides training and ensures compliance with traffic safety rules, and that traffic safety is highlighted as an important focus area in future contracts.
Safety recommendation ROAD no 2022/04T
The reversing accident on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality on 23 November 2020 occurred when the driver of the waste collection vehicle reversed the vehicle without using a driver’s mate after collecting waste. The waste container was placed approx. 70 metres down a narrow road without a turning circle. The investigation has shown that the waste collection company had not performed a safety mapping of the placement of containers or the road standard in the contract area. The NSIA believes that such a mapping should be described in standards for waste collection in order to promote traffic safety.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that the Standard Norway’s committee for revising NS 9432:2014 includes a recommendation for traffic safety mapping in connection with the municipal planning of waste collection activities.
Safety recommendation ROAD no 2022/05T
The reversing accident on Nøtterøy in Færder municipality on 23 November 2020 occurred when the driver of the waste collection vehicle reversed the vehicle without using a driver’s mate after collecting waste. The waste container was placed approx. 70 metres down a narrow road without a turning circle. The investigation has shown that Færder municipality had done little to follow up how traffic safety was maintained in connection with waste collection in the municipality as regards the placement of containers and road conditions.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority recommends that Færder municipality establish procedures to ensure that traffic safety is maintained in connection with waste collection through the placement of containers and road conditions.
Location | Spars vei, Nøtterøy, Vestfold og Telemark |
Occurrence date | 23.11.2020 |
Accident type | Collision |
Road class | Private road or area |
County | Vestfold og Telemark |
Police Disctrict | Sør-Øst |
Vehicle type | Pedestrian, Lorry |
Type of Transportation | Freight transport |
Road region | Vestfold og Telemark |
Accident category | Ulykke m/ kjøretøy over 7500 kg |